An opportunity for new kindergartners and their parents to get a glimpse into the Factory in Kid City! We will have lunch, meet new leaders, find new rooms, have fun together and discover how we want to continue to partner with you in this new...An opportunity for new kindergartners and their parents to get a glimpse into the Factory in Kid City! We will have lunch, meet new leaders, find new rooms, have fun together and discover how we want to continue to partner with you in this new...
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Date Sunday, July 28, 12:45-2:00 pm

Room The Factory

Coordinator Melissa Melendez

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Kindergarten Kickstart

An opportunity for new kindergartners and their parents to get a glimpse into the Factory in Kid City! We will have lunch, meet new leaders, find new rooms, have fun together and discover how we want to continue to partner with you in this new elementary phase.