Family Dedication is a time to publicly commit as a family to raise your kid(s) to know God's truths. Whether you’ve added to your family by birth or adoption, we have a class to give you some resources, insights and ideas of how to do that...Family Dedication is a time to publicly commit as a family to raise your kid(s) to know God's truths. Whether you’ve added to your family by birth or adoption, we have a class to give you some resources, insights and ideas of how to do that...
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Date Class - April 4 after 5 pm service | Celebration - May 9 after 5 pm service

Room Class - The Pier | Celebration - The Pointe

Coordinator Melissa Melendez

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Family Dedication

Family Dedication is a time to publicly commit as a family to raise your kid(s) to know God's truths. Whether you’ve added to your family by birth or adoption, we have a class to give you some resources, insights and ideas of how to do that & to meet other parents walking the same journey.

Our special service happens a few weeks later when you’ll gather with your family & small group (or whoever you invite!) to commit to coming alongside you, pray for you & celebrate with you!