Our Calling

God called us together five years ago to trust Him with a new vision. Together, we united our gifts and resources to do greater things in three specific ways:


Five years later, Our Calling remains the same.

We see God dramatically answering the prayers we prayed and the resources we gave during Greater Things. We see God changing lives and families as we keep Jesus the main thing.

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God moves in response to our steps of faith. Together, we are following God on an exciting journey. We’re excited for you to be a part of the work God is doing here. If we each take our next step, this entire movement will advance forward in faith again. Together, let’s step out in faith and experience God afresh. It will take all of us giving sacrificially to pursue Our Calling. God responds to faith in action. He will work in your life and in our movement as you take your next step in seeking first the Kingdom of God.

Please join us in sacrificing to continue expanding the Kingdom of God. We're excited for God to grow our faith and continue the work He has called us to do.

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Join us Sunday, May 21 at 6:30 for a special time of celebration, prayer, and committing our church to the Lord. We will worship God, seek His blessing, and dedicate our steps of faith to His Kingdom.

*Dessert and beverages will be served. Childcare provided.

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